
Everything You Need To Know About Treating Sunburn
Of course, prevention is the easiest way to avoid sunburn and with so many reputable brands, a good sunscreen is usually readily available. However, a

The Champagne Diet
What is the champagne diet? The champagne diet consists of drinking 1 glass of champagne every day and taking the time to celebrate you and your ach

The Truth Behind Dieting and Healthy Eating
There are a lot of misconceptions about what is and what isn’t considered healthy eating and this has led to some really harmful diet types to emerg

Easy Baking Recipes To Try Now
Baking is one thing that everyone should learn the basics of, you don’t have to master it but having some easy classics under your belt will com

Lessons In Confidence You Can Learn From Drag Performers
Confidence!! That shy little bugger that wants to cover itself and instead it will rear its opposite ugly head of nerves, self-doubt and all things

Body positive people you need to follow on TikTok
Being stuck in the endless scroll of TikTok is, let’s be real, most of the time inevitable. Finding pages that promote a positive body image or

What You Can Try to Avoid Fast Fashion Overhaul
Fast Fashion; The act of buying cheap garments that are also, in turn, made cheaply. Mimicking the latest trends to be sold in stores as fast as possi

The Best At-Home Youtube Workouts
It’s a little harder to get to the gym these days and even harder to get the motivation, but with inspiration from these fitness Youtubers, you̵

Should You Be Using Butt Sheet Masks?
Just imagine soft, plump skin, the kind that looks radiant and youthful. Now imagine that on your butt! Butt masks are having a major moment, with sta