healthy body

Take Control Of Your Body: BODYIQ
Over the decades we have been bombarded with every diet fad possible. Ranging from the famous Atkins diet to the latest influx of fitgirls. The proble

There may soon be a way to reverse the ageing process
Scientists have made significant progress on research into a naturally-occurring vitamin that may be able to reverse the ageing process in body cells.

Five detox baths with single household ingredients
You know the drill. After what seems like an endless and harrowing day, you are hallucinating about lying back in the bath, a glass of wine in hand, m

Improve your brain health through exercise
Physical exercise does not only affect your body, the way you look and how fit you feel, but it also has a high impact on your brain health. If you wa

The best fruits to keep you healthy
Everyone knows that plenty of fruit is a massive part of a healthy lifestyle. It is full of the good stuff we need, and it’s seriously tasty! F

Revitalise your fitness routine with this health challenge
Are you struggling to get into a health and exercise routine? It’s been two months since that New Years resolution, and you may be feeling your reso

Activewear bodysuits are the new fitness trend
Prepare to mourn, because trend forecasters have announced that our beloved exercise leggings are so passé. Gone are the days of comfortably lounging

Treat yourself to a luxurious sleep experience
In terms of creating the best sleep experience, a focus on holistic wellbeing and comfort is key. To that end, Cotton On Body and Embody have teamed u

Here’s why you don’t need a diet
Besides often being hard to maintain in the long run, who wants to be told what to eat? You yourself know what is good and bad (we hope) for your body