Many of the fitness influencers that fill our Instagram feed and our YouTube recommended page are on the more slender side. It seems like there just aren’t that many plus-size fitness influencers out there. For a long time (and even today) there’s a stigma that plus-size ladies are unhealthy, unfit and just plain lazy.
Obviously this isn’t true and these fitness influencers are here to prove it to you. So, here are five plus-size fitness influencers that you need to be following right now:
Mirna Valerio
Ultrarunner Mirna Valerio discovered a love of running in high school, now the creator of the blog Fat Girl Running is a cross-country coach, author, public speaker and obstacle course enthusiast. Valerio has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Runner’s World Magazine and on CNN. Valerio is super positive and real about her fitness journey, from her recent knee injury to the struggles of exercising in public during coronavirus.
Louise Green
Louise Green is a triathlete, fitness coach, activist and author of the book ‘Big Fit Girl’ . Green spreads body positivity via her YouTube channel and her Instagram, where she focuses on strength and endurance rather than losing weight.
Luisa Fonseca
Luisa Fonseca is an LA-based yogi who is crazy flexible. Her body positivity and encouraging commentary on her Instagram posts are just the kind of motivation you need if you’re starting on your yoga-journey and aren’t sure where to start.
Dianne Bondy
Dianne Bondy is another yogi who spreads nothing about body positivity and encouraging words. Bondy is a yoga instructor who focuses on sharing the benefits of yoga with everyone – regardless of age, ethnicity, size or ability. Her dedication to inclusivity opens up the world of yoga to anyone and everyone.
Chasi Jernigan
Chasi Jernigan (aka Sweat in Mascara) is a fashion and fitness influencer who seems to be killing it in every aspect of her life. This mum, advocate, body positive motivator and fitness instructor aims to “help women to make peace with the mirror and build confidence through movement and style”.
Whether you’re looking for some fitness motivation, body positivity or get a different perspective on health and fitness, these bad-ass ladies have got you covered.