The scariest time of the year… cleaning out your wardrobe

The scariest time of the year… cleaning out your wardrobe

The scariest time of the year… cleaning out your wardrobe

With Halloween almost upon us, it’s that time of the year where you raid your wardrobe in search of the perfect costume to ring in the spooky season. While you’re looking for those crazy socks or black tights you may come across those forgotten items that have accumulated over the years and are now just dust collectors in your closest.

We at Clothing Clean Up know that tackling your wardrobe can be a daunting task. Much like Halloween itself, it can prove to be dark, scary, and filled with unknown monsters at every turn (we’re looking at you, that outfit dating years back that you swore you had to have, wore once, and now cannot bring yourself to throw out).

What better way to celebrate the scariest time of year than by conquering the spooks that may be lurking within your closet? And what’s more, we at Clothing Clean Up are here to help! It’s as simple as booking your cleanup with us using the online booking system, arranging your pickup by placing your items in the designated pick up area, and from there, we’ll do the rest, leaving you more time to prepare your killer Halloween looks.

The thought of cleaning your closet still leaving you running scared? If you’re in desperate need of a culling without any idea where to start, we’ve put together a list of handy tips and tricks to help you get a head start:

1. Empty your wardrobe completely
What?! You may ask, why, oh why, in the pursuit of cleaning your wardrobe, would you essentially want me to create an even bigger mess? Go with us on this one. An important step in any wardrobe culling is being able to assess all of the contents inside in order to determine what you wish to keep, and what it may be time to let go of. While completely tipping your wardrobe out before you may create an even larger mess to begin with, it will be worth it in the long run.

2. Sort through the heaping mess
Quite presumably, the most important part of any wardrobe clear out is making the oh-so excruciating decisions on what clothes you can afford to keep. To minimise the amount of time spent sorting, create two distinct piles: keep and discard. While painful, this will avoid you contemplating for days over a maybe pile sitting on the floor of your bedroom to be tripped over every night before bed.

3. Bag up your discard pile
Now, for the hard part. Time to say goodbye. It’s essential to bag up your discard pile as soon as you can to circumvent any items you haven’t looked at in years somehow creeping back into your closet for ‘sentimental’ reasons – and we promise you, this will feel so much better once it’s done!

4. Call Clothing Clean Up
The hard work is done, you’ve made it! Once you’ve taken the time to say goodbye to your dearly departed items and bagged them up, it’s time to call clothing Clean Up for a pick up!

This year, be sure to spring clean the skeletons from your closet and book a pick up with Clothing Clean Up. For more info on how to book a pick up with us today, visit us on:

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Isabella Klindo


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