Working up a good sweat can be a really rewarding feeling. Integrating a solid exercise routine into your life schedule has incredible health and beauty benefits that go way beyond a peachy booty. The hardest part is starting, but once you get into the flow of healthy lifestyle, your body, skin and mind will reap the rewards and totally love you for it!
Endorphins, endorphins, endorphins
The best way to reduce stress and make it a lot easier to ‘just breathe’ is to exercise. Whether it be yoga, a walk, or a full body work out, just getting the body moving is an awesome stress reliever. Make sure whatever exercise you choose is something you feel like doing and your body and mind will thank you for it. Get your blood pumping to release all of the happy hormones you can!

Beauty sleep
A good sweat session results in a deeper nights sleep. Once our heart rates are risen through a work out our metabolism is activated and by the end of the day, we’re sleepy and our body’s are naturally ready for bed. If you have no time to work out in the morning, don’t do it too close to bed time— you want to give yourself enough time to wind down and relax so you get a good dose of beauty sleep.
Hello natural glow, goodbye acne!
Whether it be a quit HIIT session or a run on the beach, exercise will always result in a naturally flushed, healthy glow. Working out boosts circulation and can result in reducing cellulite and increasing your metabolism. You’d also assume that dripping in sweat after a gym session would cause congestion and result in bad skin, but its actually quite the opposite. Sweat is our body’s way of detoxifying naturally. Its important to invest in good quality, gentle skincare to use post-workout to make sure your pH levels are staying balanced so blemishes don’t occur!
Plenty of sleep, no stress and glowing skin? Yes please!