Is Massage The Answer to Your Cellulite Problem?

Is Massage The Answer to Your Cellulite Problem?


Do you have cellulite? Be honest. If you’re nodding your head, you’re amongst good company; it’s thought that between 80-90% of women will develop cellulite at some point, with men not getting away with it either. So, if you’ve escaped thus far, the chances of your continued escape are slim!


The thing is, cellulite isn’t harmful to your health but it is harmful to your self-confidence if you allow it to stop you from going to the beach, wearing certain clothes, or spending time around the pool. The answer to cellulite is the same as any cosmetic problem – if it’s bothering you to a negative effect, perhaps you should do something about it. The problem? There is no known cure for cellulite, and it’s more about trying to reduce its appearance, than actually zapping it away. Even expensive laser treatments don’t last forever.


With that in mind, most people look towards cheaper methods to try and reduce the appearance of their orange peel/cottage cheese, whatever else people like to call it! You’ll find all manner of different creams, lotions, and potions on the market, but most of them don’t have any evidence to back up their effectiveness claims. One thing you might like to try however is massage.


Why Does Massage Help With Cellulite?


Massage is beneficial for health and wellbeing regardless of whether you’re trying to get rid of a problem or not. It helps to boost circulation, encourages the body to produce collagen (perfect for plumping and adding elasticity to the skin and connective tissues), and also encourages lymphatic drainage. All of this is useful for reducing the appearance of cellulite, whilst also being rather relaxing at the same time.


If you search for cellulite massage oils, you’ll find many. Most contain grapeseed oil, lemon oil, eucalyptus and other natural elements, and you simply massage into the affected area in a circular motion, on a regular basis. Does it work? Well, many people swear by it, and even if it’s not likely to get rid of your cellulite completely, it is likely to smoothen out the area at least a little. The fact that massage boosts collagen production is the biggest advantage here because collagen will add strength and elasticity to not only the skin but the connective tissues which sit underneath the surface of the skin. This helps to reduce the chances of further cellulite, and with the smoothing and plumping effect, may reduce the cellulite that you have already.


It’s best to shop around for the best massage oil for your needs and always remember to do a patch test on your skin before going all out for a full massage. If you can choose a suitable oil, learn how to use massage to good effect, and enjoy the entire process, not only will you end up super-relaxed, but you might also notice an improvement in your cellulite too.



Nicola Curtis


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