Collagen has been on the lips of the beauty community for the past few years as an anti-ageing powerhouse. But lately, the trend has invaded our diets in the form of supplements, protein powders, and drinks.
Even Coles is in on the trend releasing Dose & Co, a range of collagen products including Dairy-free Collagen Creamer and Collagen Protein Powder. It’s a fad worth almost $300 million in the US, with Australia following suit.
But the question we all want to know is, does it really work?
What is Collagen?
According to WebMD, collagen products are basically “ground-up cow or fish parts”, but it’s also a naturally occurring protein in our bodies found in bones, muscles and, most importantly, skin.
It’s the collagen in skin which gives the elasticity and firmness we see in youth, with production decreasing into our 20s.
Originally used as an injectable to smooth and plump skin, collagen has come a long way now being used as creams and supplements.
An Aussie startup, Utonic, has combined collagen with kombucha for “beauty in a bottle”, with the company winning several Food and Beverage Awards.
The supposed benefits are enticing, with many companies claiming their products restore youthful, healthy skin.

Truth or Hoax?
A 2019 dermatological review of eight studies showed there is some truth to the claims, saying the “preliminary results are promising for the short and long-term use of oral collagen supplements for wound healing and skin ageing.”
While dermatologist, Paul Banwell, said “It is key to understand that collagen drinks do not add the collagen peptides you drink directly to the dermis, but rather the collagen peptides act as a feedback mechanism to trigger your own natural collagen production.”
However, the science is still out with some mixed reviews. Dermatologist Lauren Eckert Ploch said there are some safety issues to keep in mind.
“We are talking about ground-up fish, chicken, pig and cow parts, and these parts tend to act as sponges for contaminants and heavy metals.”
Most collagen products are produced safely, but the source of the peptides should be kept in mind.
Should You Take It?
If you want to try collagen, it’s best to use safe, trusted brands that source antibiotic-free products.
While most users claim to see a difference in their skin quality, others say skin supplements produce the same results. Overall, there are better anti-ageing methods.
If you’re looking to slow down the clock, Elle recommends using retinoids, vitamin C and changing your diet to boost collagen levels.
Have you tried collagen supplements?
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