Millenials, like all great and fresh-spirited young people before us, have a knack for creating a trend. With isolation measures having us all on lockdown, it was only a matter of time before we found a way to turn being stuck at home 24/7 into a viral exercise in becoming the perfect homemakers, self-love and actualisation gurus, and TikTok stars.
You may be sitting at home reading this and thinking – I have done nothing but watch Tiger King since quarantine began three weeks ago. And girl, same. Carole Baskin killed her husband.
However, with the WHO and Australian government asking we remain indoors for the foreseeable future to ensure our curve continues to flatten, there is still plenty of time to hop on the bandwagon and join our millennial brothers and sisters in creating the most of our time at home. Peak our list below to see what we’re currently doing to come out of this pandemic better than ever!
Gordon Ramsay, is that you?
Many of young people have decided that there’s no better time than the ‘Rona to learn how to become a superstar chef, worthy of putting the ladies of Wisteria Lane to shame.
If you’re feeling that after three straight weeks of UberEats, it may be time to call it quits, learning how to cook may be the skill for you!
We suggest starting off with a few simple dishes (banana bread, anyone?) to kick start your culinary journey. For great and easy to follow recipes with handy tips and tricks, try following some of our favourite foodie sites and blogs, such as Good Food, Delicious & Taste.
All onboard the fitness train!
One of the major trends our fave bloggers and ‘grammers have tapped into now that we’re having to forgo the gym is at home workouts. You may have seen already countless videos filling your feed of cute GymShark attire and planks held for so long you’d most likely pass out, however maintaining a healthy fitness regime can be one of the greatest ways to help both your physical and mental health throughout this crisis.
At this point in time, the government is still allowing us an allotted 45 minutes outdoors to keep active, and many have used this as a great opportunity to take up running. If the thought of running makes you want to cry however, fear not! Working out from home provides a multitude of opportunities to explore other fitness and wellbeing exercises you may otherwise have not considered!
If you’re looking to find the perfect at home workouts for you, look no further than your trusty Instagram feed. Many of our faves are filming at home workout, yoga and meditation tutorials for you to follow along to!
Time to glow, baby
Another fun self-love task to work into your routine now that we’re stuck at home is a fully regimented beauty routine! With so much time on our hands, there’s not better time than the present to adopt great skills and practices that will follow us through this pandemic and out on the other side.
If you’ve ever felt like you would absolutely nail having a killer skincare routine if you only had more time, now is time to invest in those clay masks and cleansers that have been sitting in your Sephora shopping cart for months girl.
If you’re feeling really creative and missing your nails and lashes, many millennials have also been trialling at home SNS, lash and waxing kits. Who knows, maybe once this is all done you won’t have to visit your local mani/pedi girl now every time you’ve got a Saturday night out! Ah, we jest.
But for the love of god boys and girls, please don’t try to cut your own bangs.
Becoming a viral sensation
Of all these things however, you could just go ahead and make yourself a TikTok account. Don’t lie to us, we know you already have.