Our diet plays a huge role in keeping our hair healthy and strong. But not all of us have the time to give our locks the love they need, every single day. That’s why the team of pharmaceutical wizards at trico.lab have developed the perfect supplement package to get your hair to where it needs to be – it ticks all the boxes, all you’ve gotta do is sit back and watch the magic happen. Your hair is gonna love you.
Detox your scalp with the delightful organic detox tea. This unique blend of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants will condition, revitalise, and repair. No more dull, brittle ends which leave you feeling like crying on the bathroom floor every time you want to leave the house. Got dry scalp, dandruff or shedding hair? No problem, the detox tea will help you tackle that too.
trico.lab’s second tea supplement is the organic regenerate blend, and it’s your hair’s new best friend. Promoting growth with traditional ingredients, this yummy blend will help stop hair follicles from swelling shut. It also prolongs the growth cycle of your hair for ultimate strength and length. Clever thing.
Both teas are recommended for daily drinking – you can drink up to 3 cups a day. Alternatively, you can use it as a nourishing hair rinse. You’ll be able to see results after about 3 months of consistent use. They’re naturopath approved and have a shelf life of 3 years in case you want to come back to them later. Oh, and they’re also naturally caffeine free.
Along with the teas, you’ll be getting your daily intake of seven essential nutrients with trico.lab’s good hair vitamin capsules. Just one per day will boost collagen, elastin and keratin production and protect your cells and tissues from damage. They’re free of sugar and anything else artificial, and your skin and nails will see results from them too. Most importantly, these little guys contain a really high amount of biotin, a super important vitamin which helps keep your hair, skin, liver and nervous system healthy. Just one capsule contains the same amount of biotin as 16 eggs, 21 cups of carrots, or 33 cups of yoghurt.
We’re so excited to start the journey towards good hair, and you should be too. Head over to trico-lab.com or call 1300 365 350 to order now!