If you’ve been up to date with the latest celebrity news over the last 10 days, you’re sure to know that Kim Kardashian-West recently came under fire for naming her new shapewear line, Kimono.
Now, obviously a play on her name, many took offence at this name, blaming the reality star for degrading the iconic Japanese costume which dates back countless years in history. Whether you agree with the fact she has now had to change the name of the line or not, it does bring up a few questions about shapewear in general.
Why do we need to wear these restrictive pieces of eqiupment, and what exactly do they do?
You’ll no doubt have noticed that the models wearing shapewear and trying to get you to buy it are certainly not in need of this type of garment. The idea is that by wearing shapewear, your body is smoothed out, i.e. no lumps and bumps which may show under your outfit. This gives you a clean silhouette and ultra-confidence. Shapewear is not designed to be worn all the time, because let’s face it, it’s hard the most comfortable of garments!
With that in mind, let’s check out a few tips for finding the ideal piece of shapewear for you.
- Tip 1 – Stick to your regular size – Some people are tempted to go a size down, assuming that will ‘pull them in’ even more. The reality is that you’re not going to be able to breathe, and the constriction of the garment will not contour to your body in the same way. Stick to your actual size for the best results.
- Tip 2 – Choose the right constriction – This is basically the tightness and how much of a clean line it gives you. Medium constriction is ideal for smoothing out your figure, but if you want to go for a complete overhaul of your shape, perhaps creating that hourglass that everyone seems to want, go for strong constriction. Will you be able to sit down comfortably? Possibly not!
- Tip 3 – High waisted shorts are ideal for a complete transformation – Most women want to achieve a smoother line from the hips up to the breasts, and in that case you should go for shorts which are high waisted and literally reach up to your bra.
- Tip 4 – Shapewear tights are great for smoothing out the legs – If you want to wear a skirt with tights but you’re afraid of showing off any lumps or bumps, purchase a pair of tights which have added shapewear included. This means you’re ticking two boxes at once!
It’s a good idea to shop around before you make your final decision, because thanks to the constant obsession with the so-called ideal body shape, there are countless products dedicated to shaping and tucking on the market. Shapewear doesn’t have to break the bank, but it’s definitely worth spending a little extra for serious quality.
Think of your shapewear as the scaffolding of your look, the garment which holds everything together and really makes a noticable difference to the end result.