Flights can be rough. You know what else is rough? Your skin after a long haul flight. Here are a list of essentials you should take on your carry on luggage to ensure you’re feeling fresh and hydrated while you’re up in the air.
Short haul bits you might want to consider
There’s something about airports that make me squirm, maybe the monster crowds of people, maybe about the long stopovers waiting on airport floors. Hand sanitiser is the one item i will never not take in my handbag or backpack.

Toothbrush and Toothpaste
Sometimes your teeth might feel furry, and there’s nothing worse than not being able to clean your teeth on a long trip. Or maybe you ate a massive chunk of garlic, and you’re sitting next to people you’ve never met before… You’d better get brushing! This pack contains a mini toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash and floss, making it the best travel pack for all your oral hygiene needs!

If you’re a sweaty gal like me, these are so important. Sometimes you won’t have access to a shower, so you have to make do with the basics. A freshen up with roll-on deodorant and your favourite baby bottle fragrance can do wonders!

If you’re only in the air for a couple of hours, then I’d keep the beauty essentials to the proper basics. I’d recommend stripping these items down to just lip balm because not only can it be used to nourish the lips, but you can use it on your cuticles and other rough patches of skin too. It’s just always good to have a lip balm on hand.

Long haul bits you should bring (all of the above, plus)
Eye Drops
If you wear glasses or contacts like me, your eyes are definitely prone to getting dry. Bring some disposable eye drops, my favourite are these because they instantly soothe my dry eyes and come in little disposable droppers. Perfect for flights!

Body Wipes and Body Cream
Again, you might have a 12 hour stop over like I will in January, and I will be sure to pack a body wipe to wash down my body and follow up with deeply nourishing body cream. There’s just something about that AC on planes that makes everything feel dry, crusty and dirty all at the same time.

If you’re a nervous flyer, a sleep spray could do you good! I’m not suggesting you spray this around the cabin, but this is perfect to spray onto your scarf or clothes to help you lull into a deep sleep.

Micellar Water and Cotton Pads
I don’t like to wear makeup on long-haul flights, but that doesn’t mean that your face remains grime free. I’m not crazy about using wipes on my face so pack a mini bottle of Bioderma and some cotton pads so I can feel like I’m giving my face a bit of a rinse without having to traipse up the bathroom every time.

Hydrating Face Mask and/or Face Oil
These bits are a non negotiable for me – my skin dries out like crazy on flights, so i’ll slather on a hydrating face mask and once it’s sinked in, i’ll add a generous layer of face oil. I’ll repeat these steps as many times as I feel are necessary. This makes stepping off the plane much easier and requires little to no makeup to look alive.

To hold all of your goodies, you’ll need a cute and compact bag. This one is great because of the clear panel on the front, making it easier to find your products when you need them. It will also make it so much easier when you’re checking in because your liquids will all fit in a clear bag.

Now there are your skin essentials for a flight, but this doesn’t stop you from taking anything else. If you want to pack makeup, ensure that all your liquids are under 100mL and fit into a small clear plastic zip lock bag.
Happy travelling! Stay tuned for more Beauty News!
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