These days, we are blessed with choice. We can do things a myriad of different ways, and a lot of that comes down to technology. We can book our vacations, do our shopping, even our grocery shopping all at the click of a button, even on our phones. It saves time, effort, and has basically revolutionised the way we work.
Technology has also changed the way we work, and nowadays we are able to work from anywhere in the world. This means you can travel whilst earning money, seeing the world and having some fantastic experiences. What could be better?
This type of work is called either freelancing, or more specifically, being a digital nomad. You are basically travelling from place to place, earning your cash via the Internet. The job you do varies depending on your skills, so it could be a writer, a designer, a SEO expert, a virtual assistant, translator, English teacher, the list goes on.
Despite the obvious freedom to work whenever you want, wherever you want, and the freedom that brings, there are some surprising health and beauty benefits too!
Less Stress
We all know that stress is bad for the body, and whilst nobody is suggesting that life as a digital nomad isn’t stressful at all, if you can manage to organise yourself properly, there is a very high chance that you will be overall much less stressed than you were in a regualr 9-5 job, or whatever it was you were doing before. Stress also shows on your face, so as a result of less stress your complexion will be brighter, you’ll have a better sleep pattern, and you’ll probalby look much younger and sprightly as a result.
Inner Happiness
Travel breeds inner happiness, and that does wonders for your health. Happiness means that you are not likely to be depressed or anxious, and those two issues are extremely damaging to your overall health and wellbeing. You are seeing new things, experiencing life, and generally having a great time, whilst doing a job you love. You’re bound to be much happier, so see that hair shine, those eyes sparkle, and that lust for life return!
Eating a More Varied Diet
We all know that we’re supposed to eat a varied and balanced diet, one which allows us to get our full fill of vitamins and minerals. When you’re at home, eating the same things all the time, it can be difficult to be as varied as you would like. In that case, getting all your vitamins can be hard going. Now, when you’re travelling from place to place, you’re eating new things, many of these will be fresh and delicious, but also packed with the vitamins you’ve been lacking. Hello better health overall!
More Socialising and Meeting New People, Learning New Languages and Cultures
You might wonder how these things can be good for your health and beauty, but when you feel fulfilled and excited about life, it shows on the outside. It also means that, as we mentioned in the inner happiness section, you are much less likely to become depressed or anxious. Of course, homesickness can be an issue, but you can get around that by distracting yourself with those new adventures instead!
So, if you’re ready for a change, and you want a challenge, why not think about the digital nomad life?