Long gone are the days of the thigh gap! A firm and peachy booty is now the hottest asset to have. Not only is exercise an absolute must for a happy, healthy & balanced lifestyle— it’s also your one way ticket to sculpted booty that you’ll love. If you want to work on toning up your booty, here are 3 simple tips to try out:
Squat like it’s going out of fashion
Squatting is the universal booty burner! You know the drill— feet shoulder width apart, chest up, toes pointed slightly outwards and away you go. Make sure as you squat down your knees remain in line with your toes so your butt is getting targeted. Sit back as if you’re sitting on a chair, and as you come up to straighten your legs, SQUEEZE your glutes—activation is key! Add weights for extra resistance

Lunge— forwards and backwards.
Lunges are total killers but are well worth the burn. Alternating between legs, keep your chest up and your posture straight and relaxed. As you lunge down make sure your knee isn’t tracing over your toes (this will put all the pressure on your knees). Push back off your front foot and activate your glutes each time you’re standing up straight. Lunging forwards targets your legs and quads where as a backwards lunge focuses more on your booty (and requires a little more balance)— alternate between the two for a total leg burner!
Hip thrusters
These sound as easy as the name— but are silent killers! Lying on the floor, push your back into the floor so you’re totally flat and bend your knees so they’re at about 90°. To target your glutes and less of your quads, shuffle your feet towards your body. Thrust up with your hips and activate your glutes on each thrust until coming back down and relaxing your back into the floor. Use this as a warmup before a gym session to really activate that booty!
Patience is a virtue for a beautiful booty, so stay focused and motivated— if you put the hard work in it will definitely pay off. Eat well, work up a sweat and love yourself!
Get Squatting Ladies! Xx