If you’ve ever spent a small fortune on your favourite bottle of perfume, only to find that the scent never sticks around longer than a couple of hours, then you have felt true disappointment. It smells amazing in the bottle, you pour over it on the white strip of paper they give you as a tester, and then you put it on your skin. At first, it’s great. You sniff at your wrist and you know that you’ve finally found the one. You buy it, you’re happy.
What happens the first time you go to wear it? You spray a little carefully, because it was so expensive and you don’t want to use it up quickly. By lunch time you can’t smell anything.
This is a common theme, something which most people have experienced more than once in their lives. The bottom line is that we come into contact with so many different environmental factors that it affects the scene we’re wearing, and it dulls its shine. On top of this, your skin’s natural pH isn’t always compatible with the scent molecules in the perfume. Annoying, we’re sure you’ll agree.
There is an answer to this however, and it comes in the form of a fragrance primer. We have primer for eyeshadow, foundation, and for our hair, so it makes sense that a perfume version was going to come along at some point.
Primers basically ‘prime’ the canvas to make it more easy for the cosmetic that is being applied to stick and stay there. Foundation primers give your skin a clear sheet for foundation to be applied onto, filling in any lines and creating a smooth canvas. Fragrance primer works in a similar way, by creating a barrier between your skin and the fragrance spritz. The primer also grabs hold of those scent molecules we were talking about (all very scientific), and traps them on your skin. Some primers also work to moisturise your skin, as an added benefit.
So, are these fragrance primers worth it? If you’re spending a lot of money on a bottle of perfume then yes, it is worth it if you get more wear out of the scent. It also means that if you want to, you can wear cheaper perfumes (providing you like the smell) and they will stick around all day too, saving you money.
These primers are very easy to use too; you basically spray it as you would a perfume, before you apply your actual scent. Simple!
If you haven’t tried this newest cosmetic on the fragrance block then it’s probably time you gave it a whirl. You won’t have to worry about spending a large amount on a designer fragrance, only for it to disappear shortly after you spray it, and you’ll smell rather wonderful for much longer as a result.