You’ve no doubt read countless articles and blogs about how to create the perfect Halloween makeup look, but once the big night is over, how do you manage to remove all those layers of caked on product?
If you rub too much, or use products which are too harsh, in an effort to strip the layers away from your skin, you’re going to do the under layers no good whatsoever. Of course, Halloween makeup is much more heavy duty and harsh than regular cosmetics, and even if the regular types are used, it’s likely that a whole lot more of them were applied! So, let’s talk about the best routine to remove that makeup safely, leaving your skin soft and in good health afterwards.
Cleansing Comes First
Your regular makeup wipes are not going to cut the mustard here, and you’re likely to get through a whole packet before you notice much of a difference! Instead, you need to invest in a cleanser which is oil-based, using a flannel soaked in warm water and wrung out to rid it of the excess. Gently remove as much of the makeup as possible with this step, without rubbing or dragging the flannel across your skin – gentle, circular movements are best.
The second cleansing step involves a deep pore cleanser, and if you can find one which contains AHA and BHA acids then even better. By cleansing with this type of product you are getting deeper into the pores, removing any makeup which might have worked its way deeper beneath, whilst also exfoliating at the same time. Once you’ve done this step, simply rinse your face with warm water and pat dry.
It’s likely that you went to town on your eye makeup, as heavy cosmetics at this time of year on the eye area are common. You will need to cleanse your eyes separately to your face, so find your favourite eye makeup remover and soak a cotton wool pad or two. Don’t rub! It might take a few cotton wool pads to remove it all, but if you notice your eye becoming sore, give it a rest for a little while and work on the other.
Glitter Problems
Glitter has never been easy to remove, and you could end up with a few remnants making themselves known a few days after the event if you’re not thorough with this step! Be careful not to sweep any glitter into your eyes themselves, as this could cause infection and soreness.
The best option is to grab some tape. Stick it to your hand a few times to take off the harshest part of the stickiness and then gently dab it onto the areas of your face where the glitter is. Again, if your skin gets sore, give it a rest, or take a bit more of the stickness away and try again.
Skin TLC
The final step is to use a gentle moisturiser to give your skin a little TLC!