It’s the new year, and that can be time to address some of the concerns and insecurities you may have. Whether it’s hairy underarms or an ugly tattoo, there are plenty of ways to make yourself feel beautiful. You can head to a spa to pamper yourself, spend a little time learning the right way to apply makeup, or just ensure that you take better care of yourself. However, if you want to do something a little more considered, here are a few cosmedic treatments to consider.
Teeth Whitening
The state of their teeth is one of the biggest insecurities people have, so it’s no surprise that there are a lot of treatments available. There are lots of “at home” teeth whitening kits, but for a lasting whiteness that won’t do any damage to your teeth, it’s best to go with the professionals. A website like Cosmedic Central compares all the best clinics so you can see what’s closest to you and make sure you get a doctor you like. The whitening itself is simple; a thick gel with a form of hydrogen peroxide in it is applied to your teeth. Usually it takes 1-3 sessions, of 30-90 minutes, depending on your teeth.
Laser Hair Removal
We’ve all had a moment when we’re lying on the beach and make eye contact with the prickly hairs on our legs we regrettably forgot to shave earlier. We’re happy to announce that this could have easily been avoided with laser hair removal. Imagine a world where you don’t have to wake up 40 minutes earlier to de-fuzz your legs. The procedure is super simple and is basically just a concentrated beam of light directed into the hair follicle to remove unwanted hair. This intense heat from the laser causes damage to the hair follicle which then inhibits the hair’s future growth. If you have naturally ginger hair however, you’re destined to shave and wax for all of eternity. Apparently we redheads have really tough and coarse hair, that laser will just not work on.
If you’re on the opposite end of the spectrum and you want more hair on your body, micro-blading was huge in 2016 and doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. It’s essentially a eyebrow tattoo, but once it heals, it looks very natural so your eyebrows can be on fleek everyday. That’s half the battle.
This is one you can definitely do at home. We’ve all seen the sheet masks on sale in Korea town that claim to tighten, buff, smooth, and god knows what else. Even if it doesn’t do exactly what it says on the packet, it’s nice to pamper yourself. If you’re not into at home treatments, or want a bit more from your treatments, visit a spa or beauty salon. Ask about different peels available and treatments for blemishes or scarring.
Laser Tattoo Removal
Remember that tattoo you got when you were 18? Your parents told you not to get it but what would they know? It was at a time when you were invincible and tramp stamps, of any kind, were all the rage. Times have changed and thankfully, so has technology. With a few sessions of laser tattoo removal, you can leave your unwanted tattoo and embarrassment in the past. It’s also come a long way since it was first introduced, it’s less painful and more affordable than ever.
If you’re considering any of these cosmetic treatments, head to Cosmedic Central to compare all these treatments across a range of different clinics to find the best option for you.