Some grooms forget that the wedding planning isn’t necessarily over once details have been finalised, in fact, it’s not uncommon for a groom to neglect his own preparation when it comes the big day. This could also be due to the fact that they’re not really ones for the glamour of it all, so if the groom struggling in terms of understanding what he needs to do to prepare, don’t worry, because we’ve got your grooming checklist sorted. Here are a few thing we think a groom needs to take into consideration in order to look his best for the big day.
Beard oil
There’s no denying that beards have become one of the most fashionable things a man can wear, and if you’re a groom that chooses to rock a beard, you may be interested to know that your beard, just like your hair, requires some intense TLC. Getting into the habit of using beard oil is a fantastic way to not only style your beard but to also give it the nutrients you may not know it needs. If this has now totally blown your mind, and you’d like to take your beard care to the next level, you should check out B^RE Movement’s beard oil! It may end up changing your beard game for the better.
Or go bare
When it comes to a groom’s physical appearance, beards are not the be all end all in terms of a man’s style. If you’re a groom who chooses to go bare with no facial hair, you’re going to need to narrow down your shaving routine. Now, we’re not going to give you a step-by-step on ‘how to shave’, but we thought you might benefit from a few tips to ensure that you look incredible on your wedding day. For one, make sure your beard is completely and thoroughly wet before shaving, this will prevent any redness or irritation. Using a top of the line razor or regularly replacing the blades will also make a massive difference when it comes to the final result. We also recommend changing your blades at least every 2 weeks to make sure you’re getting the closest and most effective shave possible. Finally, always make sure to follow up with a soothing facial wash, ideally one with a high amount of concentrated tea tree oil, this will prevent your skin from developing a rash as well as any spots.
Hair care
A groom’s hair, if not properly cared for, can ruin any wedding photo. In order for your hair to look and feel its best on your big day, you’re going to have to invest in some products to work with your hair. We’re talking, wax, gel, pomades, creams or hairspray. You know what works, so get styling! However, if you’re a groom that chooses to rock bed-hair everyday and has no idea what any of these products look like, we suggest you start experimenting with styling products at least a month in advance just to be safe. Also, a fresh, razor-sharp haircut is never a bad idea to prepare for your wedding day, bear in mind though, it’s best to not try something new to avoid any upsets days before your wedding.
Skin care
Yes, men of all kind need to establish and effective and regular skin care routine too. With this, you don’t need to go crazy and stuff your cabinet with every skin care product you know of, simply find a cleanser and moisturiser that doesn’t make you breakout. Again, we suggest to not try anything new days before your wedding just be safe and to make sure that your skin doesn’t betray you on the one day you’ll be taking thousands of photos.
Patrick Lindsay once said that “all that is important comes in quietness and waiting” and he wasn’t wrong. Planning, choosing, organising and selecting every single aspect of your wedding can add up and take a toll on your body, so we recommend hitting up the spa at least one week before your wedding day to treat yourself to a little bit of silence and tranquility. Use this time wisely though and pamper yourself with a facial and more importantly for grooms, a manicure. Just think about all those photos you know you’ll be taking where a close-up of your hand is required and thank us later.
Guard it with your life
Our final tip doesn’t actually involve you doing anything to your face, it involves your taking care of the thing that must looks impeccable on your big day; your tux. With this, we don’t actually want you to lose sleep because you’ve been guarding your tux, we mean that where you choose to store your tux can make or break your wedding day. When the big day comes and you’re scrubbing up in the bathroom, do not leave your tux in there while you shower, the steam will actually destroy the internal construction of the tux.
Also, if you’ve suffered a stain mishap, make sure to not scrub at it as you run the risk of discolouration and scruffing, try blotting the stain instead. Make sure to also store your tux in an area with a breathable storage bag to avoid acidifying the tux as well making sure your tux is hung on the right kind of hanger. Plastic and thin-wood hangers are not an option here but using a large, jacket hanger to support the tux’s shoulder and aid in the overall draping of the jacket is the definite way to go.