It’s not often you come across someone who enjoys waking up in the morning, bright and early, ready to start the day. If you wouldn’t consider yourself one of these unicorns, you might need to adjust your morning routine. Having a regular morning routine can help you get organised and positive for the day that lies ahead. Routine leads your brain to form positive habits, which can lead to a sense of tranquility you never had when you were rushing for the bus without a shoe.
If your morning routine needs a boost, here are a few ways you can get a blissful start into building your perfect morning routine.
It all begins the night before.
Here’s a little bit of irony to get you started: your perfect morning all depends on what you do the night before. Begin by planning everything you’ll need the next morning to get you ready and on time. This includes your outfit of choice, preparing your lunch and storing it in the fridge and even selecting what makeup you would like to wear the next day. This way, you won’t waste time deciding on what lipstick or shoes you want to wear, keeping you stress and rush-free. Basically, keep everything you’ll need in arms reach to create the perfect ‘grab-and-go’ environment.
The benefits of a good night’s sleep cannot be underestimated. It will help you feel refreshed and ready for the next morning and whatever it has to throw at you. Do whatever you need to do to ease yourself into a good rest, whether it’s reading a book, having a warm bath or having some camomile tea. And the cardinal rule: you must put down all forms of technology at least an hour before bed.
Start with some positivity.
How we wake up can more than often determine how our day will progress, thus the saying; ‘waking up on the wrong side of the bed’. Thankfully, you have the power to determine how your day will go using the power of your mind. It may sound silly in the beginning, but starting the day off with positive mantras will psychologically boost your energy levels and get you excited and determined for the day ahead.
If you practising your mantras daily is too difficult to remember, post-it notes and whiteboards make excellent allies when it comes to remembering to remain positive. In your spare time, try researching and finding your favourite quotes online, before jotting them down on a whiteboard or post-it note and sticking them around in places in your eyeline. Make sure to switch them up every now and again to avoid the quotes appearing demotivating and boring.
Of course, finding words that make you happy and feeling positive are not only limited to the online universe. Taking a small amount of time out of the morning to journal makes for a refreshing and open start to the day as it’ll help you get out any negative feelings you may hold. Making to-do-lists are also an option to get your day organised and help you feel like the boss you already are.
It’s all about YOU.
This is the time we’ll ask you to be a little bit selfish in order to make your morning a great one. Allow yourself to make your mornings all about you and what you want. To be more specific, ask yourself, do you prefer to enjoy your morning coffee or tea in silence with a book, or while catching up on the morning news? Do you prefer to get important emails done first thing in the morning or throughout the day? Use the morning to slightly pamper yourself with your favourite healthy breakfast or freshly squeezed juice. Whatever you need to get you through the day with a smile on your face, do it. You’ll thank yourself for it later.