Beauty tips according to your star sign

Beauty tips according to your star sign

Beauty tips according to your star sign

Have you ever scoured through the horoscopes learning as much as you can about your career, love life, or even whether you should’ve eaten that double cheeseburger for lunch? Well, you’re not alone. You might’ve even snuck a look at your crush’s one, just to check whether he was cheating on your imaginary relationship with that tramp, Katie, from down the road.

But that’s not all horoscopes are good for. Did you know they can also reveal things about your beauty routine, what you can do to improve it and how to go about implementing these changes?

Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

Aquarians are well-known for their natural beauty and unique dress style. You don’t need makeup to look beautiful, but products that accentuate your nice eyes, such as bright eye shadow, eyeliner and mascara always work best. Aquarians can pull off anything, so don’t be afraid to experiment. Style it up with unique head band, get a new haircut or even layer up your clothes – you can’t go wrong.

Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

People born under Pisces absolutely adore makeup. You’re open minded, have a great sense of humour and like to experiment with new things. Simple, neutral shades aren’t your thing, as you get bored easily. Go for shimmery eyeshadows, winged eyeliner, face contouring and bold, bright clothing. You have a natural talent for applying makeup, so go wild.

Aries (31 March – 19 April)

You’re a busy person with things to do and people to see. You’re always on the go and are probably known for having a bunch of completely random hobbies, while still finding the time to kick life’s butt. You should keep your beauty routine short, simple and sweet. Tinted moisturiser, mascara and a bit of eyeliner work just fine, but if you’re heading out for a night on the town, your cheekbones will look fabulous donned in highlighter.

Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

Taurus’ take absolute pride in their beauty. You have excellent cosmetic abilities, and probably don’t even need style tips. You appreciate the finer things in life, and that includes beauty products. You definitely rock classic elegance like no other star sign, so take advantage of that and go for shades of green, or even a nice mauve lipstick.


Gemini (21 May – 21 June)

There’s no other zodiac sign that can multitask quite like a Gemini. You’re naturally beautiful, but you can achieve absolute perfection once handed a makeup brush and a curling iron. Sometimes you’re a bit slow getting ready, but the end results are definitely worth the wait. You’re known for your charming personality and social life, so most of the time you’re out showing off your new dress and heels. Bright colours, such as orange, yellow and magenta are your best friend.

Cancer (22 June – 22 July)

Cancers are known for their beautiful skin, so it’s recommended that you use products that draw attention to your face, boost moisture, restore radiance and have anti-ageing ingredients. After all, it’s important to protect a good thing. You don’t need makeup to look good, so opt for a simple and easy style. You look best in summer dresses and nice shoes, but you can also rock a pair of jeans and bed hair. Apply a touch of mascara, eyeliner, blush and you’re good to go!

Leo (23 July – 22 August)

Leos are all about extremities. You’re pretty much the centre of attention wherever you go, and you don’t like following beauty and fashion advice. With that being said, bold eye and lip makeup work to your advantage. You can basically wear anything and people will fall over themselves trying to replicate your style. Wear head scarfs, crazy hairstyles and vibrant skirts. You’ve got this.

Virgo (31 August – 22 September)

Okay, let’s be honest – Virgos aren’t the most organised people in the world. You probably have a makeup drawer that resembles hell’s deepest depths, but that doesn’t mean you don’t care about beauty. You’re a creature of habit, so you like to stick with what works. Never fear, that’s why makeup counters and change rooms exist! Get your arse to the shopping centre and try on things that terrify you. Sure, simple colours suit you, but so do bold and bright ones. You just don’t know it yet.

Libra (23 September – 22 October)

Some people call Libras lazy, but you’re actually just a chill person who doesn’t like fuss. You prefer low maintenance products, as well as the simple things in life, such as jeans and t-shirts. Luckily, you’re good looking and don’t need fancy clothes or accessories. You should choose rose, blue, teal and lavender coloured accessories and experiment with daring looks, like bright coloured hair or nail polish.

Nail polish etc

Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)

Scorpios are one of the sexiest signs. However, you love routine and order and aren’t a huge fan of change. Intense, detail-oriented makeup works best for you, as well as precision haircuts. You’re pretty much made for the smokey eye, long eyelash and contoured look, so don’t be scared to dabble with new things.

Sagittarius (21 November – 21 December)

Sagittarians are easy going, have great senses of humour and are the perfect problem solvers. You spend countless hours on the Internet sifting through reviews before spending a dime on beauty products because you know you’ll get pissed if they don’t work. You have a great sense of style, but sometimes you can’t tell what looks good on you because you’re too critical of yourself. Go for simple eye makeup shades and hairstyles, like a high ponytail.

Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)

Capricorns change their beauty routine more than they change their underwear (well, hopefully not). You have a very extensive lipstick collection and take pride in your many items of clothing. You’re a high achiever who isn’t the least bit fake, so you’ve probably already figured out what works for you. Classic, quality products are your best friends, as they last throughout the day and are extremely effective.


Tiarne Blackwell


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