I got my first piercing when I was five years old. It was my fifth birthday and all I wanted was to look like the older primary school girls. I still remember piling into the car with my mum while excitedly touching my ears and imagining how they’d feel once those pretty green studs were in. I’ll never forget that moment because not only did I scream my lungs out when the piercing gun punctured my skin, but then I tearfully realised my new ears looked fabulous. Mum was always great at caring for my piercings, but now several years have passed and I’m pretty much on my own. It’s not like I have millions of piercings, but that first moment did lead to a few more. Most of them have come and gone with the times, while others have closed up naturally. Even though I only have a few left, I’ve definitely had my share of infections, soreness and lumps.
Here are some of the ways to avoid these problems, and what to do if they’re unavoidable.
What does a healthy piercing look like?
According to experts, it’s completely normal to experience a bit of redness and soreness the first few days after getting a piercing. Your skin is still getting used to it, so it’ll take some time to look normal again. It’s also not unusual to experience clear, white discharge and swelling that lasts up until 10-14 days. Eventually, the swelling will go down and the discharge will turn to crust. It’s advisable not to pick at the crust because it’s just your body’s way of healing itself. From experience, I know that unnecessarily touching this skin can cause the whole gross process to start all over again (not good!)
What does an unhealthy piercing look like?
If you’re experiencing redness and soreness after 10 days, you should go back to your piercer and ask them for an assessment. They’re not doctors, but they do know their stuff. A few years ago I got a piercing that hurt like hell for weeks, and I just left it because I was (1) stupid and (2) lazy. It turned out it was infected and I really should have told someone much sooner. Please don’t be like me. If the area’s shiny, feels warm and has a slight smell or green discharge, it’s probably infected. Get your butt off that chair and get help right now.
How do piercings become infected?
There are a number of things that cause piercing infections, but according to experts the main thing is dirty hands. You should never touch your the area without washing your hands, as new piercings are similar to open wounds – they’re prone to attracting bacteria. After experiencing the worst kind of pain with my first infection, I was super careful to avoid going through the same thing EVER again. My doctor recommended using a sterile saline wash to do a soft compress twice a day. All I had to do was soak a clean cotton pad with something sterile and hold it to the piercing for a few minutes. Experts say it’s important not to remove the jewellery from the infected area, as it might encourage abscess formation and closing of the wound.
What other problems are there?
Sometimes our piercing issues aren’t always infection related. I once had a strange bump on the top of my ear which turned out to be scar tissue. My piercer told me this was very common and that there were a number of simple treatments available. Some effective and popular solutions were to use warm compresses, chamomile tea compresses and even small drops of Vitamin E on a cotton swab applied lightly to the area. The problem disappeared so quickly that I was soon planning the date and time of my next piercing.
How long does it take to heal?
It depends where the piercing is, but some can take longer due to tissue density. Earlobes typically take 2-3 months to heal, but cartilage piercings can take 6-12 months on average. They’re all different, and it’s also heavily dependant on how well you care for your new piercings. The more piercings you get, the more you’ll learn about caring for them. It’s not as difficult as you might think; you just need to commit 100% to looking after them.