Take your skin to rehab after a cray cray night out

Take your skin to rehab after a cray cray night out

Take your skin to rehab after a cray cray night out

There’s nothing worse than waking up with sunken eyes, a pale glow, a hoarse voice (from shouting in the club) and some seriously big black bags under your eyes. That doesn’t mean you have to look as rubbish as you feel though!

You need these tips to make the crazy night out not visible on your face.

1. Alcohol is a skin dehydrator and depletes skin of antioxidants. Stock up on some coconut water to add some much needed moisture back into your skin. And drink water, water and more water!

2. Get your vitamin C moisturising on.

3. Even if you feel like you can’t move a muscle, go outside for a bit and take a yonder in the fresh air. Not only does it get your blood pumping, it also brings back that natural skin glow.

4. A scrub is great for waking your sleep deprived self up. Lush have a range of gentle peel or scrub puffs that get rid of those dead skin cells.

5. Also we all know beauty is about faking it. You might feel shit but that doesn’t mean you should let it ruin your beauty. A tinted moisturiser or facial oil will be your best friend as it gives you that glossy glow. Apply to the top of your cheekbones.

6. Also grab some cleansing makeup remover if you passed out when you got home and didn’t take off your makeup. You’ll probably be rocking the raccoon look so make sure the people in your office don’t see it! It’s a quick fix that will remove all your makeup and you can start from scratch and leave the night before in the past.

7. Showers are a must as they steam off the mess and leave you feeling a bit more fresh and with it. Cetaphil is a nice gentle body moisturiser.


Scarlett Reed

Scarlett Reed

Scarlett is a recent journalism graduate interested in prettifying herself, hanging with friends and going to the gym.


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