Glossier is the beauty brand that has managed to tap into the coveted millennial market of 18-24 year olds that other marketers just dream of reaching. With their incredibly chic packaging and easy-to-use products, as well as their delivery service which brings their products right to your door, it’s easy to see why millennials are enthusiastic about the brand.
That’s why we’re so excited about the news that Glossier are branching out into the perfume and sunscreen sector of beauty products. They’ve already got great audience reach and, with the more products they create, their hold on the cherished young market increases.
Although Glossier have a heavy duty priming moisturiser that is very popular, it’s clear that their target market want more products. When the founder, Emily Weiss, was questioned about what products she uses to protect her skin, she delighted Glossier fans with her answer.
“I use our sunscreen that’s coming out soon,” Weiss told the Fat Mascara podcast.
Unfortunately, the comment is only teasing us at this point. Glossier have not even hinted at a release date, so we’ll just have to wait.
It’s strange that a company that touts themselves as “a beauty brand inspired by real life” hasn’t branched out into sunscreen before this point. However, the brand’s sun protection products will delight fans when the products are actually released.
In the same interview, Weiss confirmed that Glossier are also branching out into the perfume market. Fat Mascara hosts Jessica Matlin and Jennifer Goldstein asked Weiss about her choice in fragrances and she divulged that the brand is working on their own scent.
“I’m a big Le Labo and Byredo fan. I go through phases,” Weiss said, before sneakily adding in the news that, “we’re also working on a perfume and I can say no more than that, but it’s fucking amazing.”
So, not only is there awesome sunscreen that fans of Glossier aren’t able to use yet, there’s also this “fucking amazing” perfume that we can’t sniff either? Unbelievable. The brand is certainly hyping their audience to a fever pitch with these product baits. We’re hoping that these new ranges from Glossier come out sooner rather than later, especially considering that the brand has been hinting at their sunscreen range since 2016. We simply can’t wait that long.