Summer is here beauties! For gals like me who burn after 2 minutes in the sun, fake tanning is a must during the warmer months. But for those who have lost many white sheets (RIP) to tanning stains, you are in luck! Meet Tanzee– the self tan silk bed sheet protector that we have fallen in love with (and know you will in love with too). We spoke to Managing Director Madison Rapa about how Tanzee came to life, what makes it so fabulous for your skin (and bed) and what’s next for 2019!
How was this million dollar idea sparked?
The idea actually came to me one Friday night after I’d just put on my fake tan, I’d recently just changed my bed sheets and they were white I was dreading the fact I was going to have to go to sleep and dirty them. I literally said to my mum “why is there not something that will protect my bedsheets that I can easily just put into my bed and take out and wash in the morning. It was like a light bulb went off in my head and I spend that night lying in bed (dirtying my sheets with tan haha) planning out the entire business. By the morning I had come up with the name Tanzee and had a rough idea of all the other elements in my head.
What makes the Tanzee silk material so fabulous when tanning?
We trialled a lot of fabrics when developing Tanzee. We found that this one was the best because it was light weight and breathable, yet still created a barrier to stop your tan seeping through to your sheets. It also had other benefits such as keeping your tan flawless due to the silky nature, and also being durable and easy to wash/ dry. We also really wanted to use a luxury silky fabric but wanted to remain vegan friendly, so our microfibre art silk was really the perfect choice!
Who are the Tanzee clan? Who are your major demographics?
Literally anyone who is self tan addicted haha! But we find a lot of our customers are in their 20’s, social, mostly female, and into make up and beauty!
How has social media marketing assisted in the success of Tanzee?
Social media has been essential to Tanzee’s growth, we gained a lot of exposure in the beginning with influencers discovering us via Instagram and facebook. We’ve had a lot of exposure through the beauty YouTube community, YouTube stars such as Michael Finch, Shani Grimmond, Chloe Morello (and so many more) have shared our product many times. We’ve also had celebrities like Marnie Simpson (Geordie Shore), Tammin Sursok, and Katie Price all show love for our products too.
Tanzee also offers wholesale for other businesses who love your products. What retailers have chosen to stock your Tanzee products?
Currently we are stocked in tanning and beauty salons all over the world. We are not stocked at any big retailers but would love to see Tanzee in stores such as Mecca, Priceline and Sephora in the future.
Have you had any requests from the Tanzee clan for other colours in the range?
Oh yes we always get requests! But our current range also remains the most popular colour choices for our clan!
Are there plans to expand the product range in 2019?
Absolutely! We have been working on a game changing new product since the start of the year, we expect it to be ready for launch very soon! Its very exciting.
What are you waiting for girlies?
Stay tuned for more beauty news!