What if I told you, you could drink your way to perfect gut-health and glowing skin?
The Beauty Chef promotes the philosophy that beauty begins in your belly. Their products work to cleanse, detox and boost your inner-health and well-being from the inside out.
The Beauty Chef has a range of products from Inner Glow Powders, to Collagen and Hydration elixers. The Beauty Chef’s products are filled with amino acids, prebiotics, probiotics and whole foods, not to mention everything and anything you can lacto-ferment to aid with easy-digestion. Goodbye bloated belly!
Now, I know an amino acid rich, lacto fermented drink doesn’t sound like the most delicious concoction ever, but The Beauty Chef has you covered and has laced their products with coconut water, aloe vera and lemon myrtle (yum!)
Their products cover all bases with Skin Refiners and Antioxidant rich powders you can add into drinks or even sprinkle on top of your yoghurt and muesli to kick start your day. The Beauty Chef has stayed one step ahead of the health and well-being game now with 99.5K Instagram followers and constant promotions from health and beauty guru’s.
You can find their full range in store at Sephora.
Gut health has never looked so good!