Eyebrows are leading beauty industry at the moment. They can make or break your outfit and help describe your sense of style to the rest of the world. It all started with the bushy brows of UK supermodel Cara Delevingne, which kickstarted this obsession with brow growth and shape.

Nowadays, thick luscious eyebrows have become a fashion staple. Brows are even being experimented upon to create new looks and different forms, like the ‘Feather Brow’. The infamous Feather Brow was started by Finnish makeup artist Stella Sironen. The trend has divided beauty fans ever since she posted an Instagram picture of her new creation on a client. The love-it-or-hate-it look is created by a glue stick that parts the eyebrows down the middle as to resemble a big bohemian quill feather. Different variations include sprinkles of glitter or drawing art at the end of the fanned out brow.

However, the thick bushy eyebrow of 2016 has now significantly cooled to a more defined and polished look in 2017 (the #InstagramBrow). The current trend requires a fashionista’s eyebrows to precise and flawless. Beauty manufacturer Kiss sensed that some people might have trouble when it comes to leading their eyebrow pencil in the right direction or overfilling their eyebrows to the point of no shape or form, so they created the ‘I-Envy by Kiss’ Eyebrow stamp. The Eyebrow Stamp works like a stamp from your childhood, impressing colour and shape onto a surface (in this case, your lacking brows). The stamp colours your eyebrow dark and thick, while retaining the stamp’s set shape. It comes in various shapes and grooves.

In theory, it’s an amazing idea. It sure does answers a lot of makeup prayers by allowing beauty fans to be fashion-forward eyebrows in less than 5 seconds. Now there is no need to search for the perfect eyebrow-contouring kits, eyebrow pencils, or the desire to learn the meticulous art of drawing your eyebrows perfectly. It started with a harmless beauty advertisement on Facebook and then spiralled into viral videos on Youtube, coming to the attention of numerous beauty bloggers.
But does it work?
In fashion blogger Tati’s YouTube video, the Eyebrow Stamp seems to add shape and volume.
However, beauty blogger beautyjunkee Martha Sta. Barbara had a tricky first stamp that she doesn’t seem to recommend.

It seems that results will vary depending on the Eyebrow Stamp and the individual. Like all eyebrow pencils and shades, it will last all day, but setting it with a facial setting spray should help it push past a little over next 24 hours. The product does seem to actually work in that it gives volume and shape to lacklustre eyebrows. If any mishaps occur, it is easy to be able to fix afterwards with a eyebrow brush or a cleanser. It’s worth a try if you want fuller, more shapely eyebrows with a minimum of fuss. But at the end of the day, don’t try anything that cant be washed off!
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