2017 is here and brings with it the promise of a fresh start! That means your wardrobe too. It’s time to make some resolutions about your style to help you make a change this new year. Need some inspiration? Here are some new years style resolutions to keep in 2017.
Back to Basics
Ask any fashion stylist, editor, or enthusiast and they’ll tell you that the basics are important. Never under-estimate the power of a plain black T-Shirt, a white collared shirt, or even a basic pair of denim jeans. These will carry your wardrobe forward and see you through any of the latest trends. Most basics are available form any retailer and aren’t that costly.
Switch It Up
If you’re dying to try something new but don’t want to commit to a whole new wardrobe consider switching ip some accessories. A new statement necklace, a paid of earrings, new shoes. New accessories can make the same old outfit look brand new and give it fresher look.
Don’t Impulse Buy
It can be easy to hop on the latest trends of 2017. But whats in style now may not be in 2018, and you don’t want to be left with a big purchase in your wardrobe that you’ve only worn once and can’t sell because that trend has set sail. Invest in basics you can pair with any trend and choose key pieces wisely. Also don’t forget to look for cheaper alternatives.
Embrace Online Shopping
It’s convenient and you’ll almost always get what you want. Shopping in store can be stressful, and you may not even get what your looking for. When you shop online you can search across a lot of stores all at once, and if you get the clothes and they don’t fit, returns have gotten faster. And you can shop from the comfort of your own home!
Accept the Compliments
How many times have you spent hours planning an outfit, down to the shade of lipstick to match, and when told you look nice today, you respond with a mumble about having just thrown it on. You do look good today, you can accept that compliment and you can feel good about it.