Flawless skin is achievable, it just takes a little time and dedication. Whilst we all wish to look like Kim Kardashian at the 2016 VMA’s, we have to acknowledge that her makeup artist would have been paid thousands of dollars to make her look flawless. However, with some simple products and a regular routine, you’ll be looking as fresh as Will Smith in no time.

Minimalism is key
Even though it might seem tempting to cover up that little pimple or blemish you have with a tonne of makeup – this simply blocks your pores, leading to further congestions and blemishes. The less the better, as it will allow your skin to breathe and will achieve flawless results that help add to your naturally flawless looking skin approach. If absolutely cannot leave the house without something on, try adding bb cream or tinted moisurising into your routine 1 or 2 days a week.
Moisturise, moisturise, moisturise!
Every time you have a shower – moisturise. Before bed – moisturise. Each morning – moisturise. If you’re bored – moisturise. This will help keep your skin looking healthy and happy, and will make applying your makeup that much easier with a fresh canvas to work on. It’s worth trying out different products to see what works with your skin. If you have particularly dry skin, you might want invest in a night cream to enhance that overnight glow.
It’s a crime not to prime
Even though you have moisturised night and day, you will still need a primer to help your makeup go on smoothly. The primer should be based on your skin complexion – if you have oilier skin use a mild or powdered primer, or if you have drier skin use a cream to help rejuvenate the cells to ensure it does not flake off. Priming also helps to keep your makeup in place and makes it easier to remove a night, which is a win-win in our books.

Master your base
A good concealer is a miracle for covering blemishes, bumps and dark circles. It also helps to even out skin tone, take redness away and even highlight! Spend money on a good concealer that works as a multipurpose item and we guarantee you will not be able to live without it.
Utilise the help of an expert, as well as samples, to find a foundation that works for you. Find your foundation colour based on the colour of your neck as it has a evener skin colour to your face and will help you to avoid the dreaded ‘chin line’. Whilst minimalism is key in your application to ensure your skin breathes, consider using a liquid based foundation with a sponge to help even out the application successfully. Or grab a beauty blender. Anyone who is anyone absolutely raves about this little sponge!
Be sure you continue to apply the foundation under and down your neck in a blended fashion to avoid the clear distinction between a makeup and a no makeup area. If your concealer has not covered any blemishes you are worried about, consider using a green based foundation to ensure the redness is taken away from problem areas.

Be sun smart
The biggest tip to flawless skin, sunscreen! Sun damage can prematurely age your skin, making you look older and cause your makeup flake or gather in any problem areas. Most foundations these days come with some SPF in them, however it never hurts to double up, and to remember to reapply regularly.
If you are still struggling to maintain that fresh “I woke up like this” look, try spending a few days without using makeup or treat yo’ self by booking in for a facial or microdermabrasion treatment. This will allow your skin to breath and rejuvenate it’s natural oils, meaning you can start looking fresh af.