It was inevitable that technology would start giving us advice on the right lip colour to wear and that you could actually try it on virtually! Facebook Messenger and ModiFace have teamed up to find you the perfect shade of lippy so you don’t have to come home with multicoloured hands from the shops. Now you can try on lippy colours you didn’t want to waste money on in case it didn’t suit you.
ModiFace is like a Facebook friend. Chuck them a message by finding them on the contacts list. Tell them your favourite brand or shade of lippy you opt for. Then wait while ModiFace does it’s thing and send you pics of different lipsticks. You can then proceed to try on the ones you like or just skip them if they don’t tickle your fancy. Then all you have to do is send a photo of your face and ModiFace will send you one back of you wearing the lipstick. If you like what you see, there’s even the option to Buy It!

For makeup fanatics, you only have 900 different lipsticks from 70 brands to try from. And there are also 20,000 more products to road test if you want to find the perfect blush or eye shadow!

If you’re still not sure whether you look hot or not, shoot over some pics to your friends with different lipsticks and get their honest opinion. Because lets face it, that’s what best friends are for!