For over 100 years, sexy things have strutted their impressive physiques for Miss Teen USA, Miss Universe and Miss America. But Miss Teen USA is going against the typical feature of a beauty pageant and eradicating the bathing suit competition. That’s right, after a century, the bathing suit competition will be replaced with the athletic wear category. We will see the start of this trend on 30th July in Las Vegas at the next pageant.
The girls in Miss Teen USA are between the ages of 14-19 and baring far too much skin. We’re already in a culture of over-sexualisation and promoting an unhealthy body image.
The first Miss America pageant in 1921 was advertised as a “bathers revue,” but Miss America also used to require that contestants must be white and healthy. Well that’s just a little bit racist isn’t it! For a long time, feminists and women’s rights activists have slammed the outdated idea of people gawking at girls between the ages of 15-19 walking down the catwalk in barely any clothes. Author Courtney E. Martin spoke up against the beauty pageant. E.Martin claims they bathing suit competition is “Outdated, restrictive and perpetuate a damaging link between real world success as well as playing to the idea of a set definition of beauty.”
The inclusion of the athletic wear instead of bikini wear is all part of the pageants idea to promote a more well rounded image of the contestants and their fitness. Mr Antinoro, head of Original Content at IMG and owner of Miss Universe says it’s all about being comfortable in your body. He gives a clear definition of athletic wear as gym or yoga class type outfits.
Reigning Miss Teen USA, Katherine Haik, applauded the switch to athletic wear, saying: “I have been an athlete my entire life. As a member of a softball team and a competitive dance team, I spend a lot of time in athletic wear. This new direction for Miss Teen USA is a great way to celebrate the active lives that so many young women lead and set a strong example for our peers.”

Historically, the pageant was only about promoting the appearance of it’s contestants but it has branched out by now looking at the substance of the girls. Miss Teen USA awards scholarship money to the girl who most fits the bill of a great personality, charitable heart and hottie on the outside as well! Good on you Miss Teen USA for making this change!